Tuesday, May 26, 2009

pictures first, then the commentary...

Sitting in church... what a big boy!

First picnic... and first outdoor swing.... his new favorite thing!

Fun at the Library.... lots of climbing, falling, and giggling!

As you have just seen, life has been busy these last couple of weeks, but it's been the woohoo-this-is-a-fun-new-way-to-spend-our-days-cuz-finally-we-get-to-be-out-and-about kind of busy!
Ethan's had many "firsts" as well. His first trip to McDonald's. Didn't play in the 'play area', but he got to enjoy bits and pieces of a happy meal with mommy. He did get to play at the library, though! They have a baby/toddler play room fully dedicated to children Ethan's age. There was one point that Ethan just laid down for about 30 seconds after playing, then popped right back up and got started again! The few times we've been, we've been the only ones there and I was grateful since Ethan can't quite be around other kids just yet. And you know I was a happy momma when I saw a tub of disinfecting wipes there in the play room. God was thinking of me and little E. And we're looking forward to "toddler time" at the library this July! Can I just say what a blessing it is to me as a mom to be able to do this stuff with Ethan now. We've had to wait so very long to do this type of stuff and it's just wonderful. Absolutely wonderful to be a family enjoying life - together. And finally, Ethan had his first picnic yesterday! Which then led to his first ride in a swing. Let me tell you, he LOVED that swing! And yes, I did wipe that down, too *smile* - still gotta protect that immune system!
Side note: Did you know clorox disinfecting wipes come in a "to go" pack? You better believe I've got one in my purse, one in the diaper bag and several back ups in the cabinet! I don't go crazy... just cautious. I do expose him to some things that have potential germies hangin' around just to see how that new immune system is working and all I've got to say is "all systems are a go!"

Oh, and he had one more "first", well, "first in a long time". Ethan went to church with me and Adam for the first time in over a year, last Sunday night! That was our first time to be at church all at the same time, as a family since April 2008. Our pastor announced Ethan's presence, and the congregation went into applause for him and for our great God. He can't go into the nursery just yet, but he sat back there in between Adam and myself and did a great job! Playing and eating snacks, and babbling, of course, but a great job!

I praise the Lord, because Ethan's life is a beautiful testimony to His grace & power. And, for that, we have gratitude in our hearts that words will never be able to fully express.


Carrie Comstock said...

Good, great, amazing stuff!! Made me tear up...especially the part about going to church together. Thanks for sharing all of these precious moments with us.

Jessi said...

All the firsts look like they were tons of fun! So glad y'all are getting to go out and about now. He is looking so big and still just SO cute!!

carleigh said...

made me tear up too!! he is so precious, and i am so glad he is adjusting so well!! you are a great mommy!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God for the ordinary moments we all take for granted!

Natalie Ezelle said...

What a great entry Kasey. It just gave me chill bumps to read as I almost felt the emotion behind the words. And the best part is, it is a testament to God's power. Awesome stuff!