Thursday, April 2, 2009

perfect peace

We're often asked how it's possible we've been able to survive (emotionally, physically, spiritually) this season of our lives with Ethan's cancer diagnosis, treatment and so forth. The ways in which we attempt to describe it may vary from time to time, but the message - the bottom line - is always the same. God's grace got us through. His peace covered us in the times we couldn't understand. He walked us through it. Every step of the way. Yes, we had our moments of crumbling and not seeing much beside our own tears, but even then, God gave us comfort. I mention this, because last Sunday morning, our church choir sang the below song and it reminded me immediately of Ethan's Journey this past year (April 8th will be one year since his diagnosis). And I truly felt the words, because we saw them come to life in our own lives. We saw God Himself come to life in ways we'd never known before. I've never known peace like I knew it to be true during even the worst days for Ethan. His perfect peace.

When life's burdens get so heavy
and it seems I'm all alone,
I cast my care on Jesus
and come boldly to His throne.
I find His grace sufficient
when His promises I heed.
For His very life He sacrificed
and He lives to intercede.
He is Lord of lords and when He speaks,
winds and waves obey.
When Jesus whispers "Peace be still,"
then darkness turns to day;
and as I'm trusting in my Savior's Word,
doubts and fears all cease.
And beneath the shelter of His wings
I'm at rest in perfect peace.
I will seek for souls in darkness,
Calvary's love with them to share.
Empowered by His Spirit
I will follow anywhere.
For I know whatever befall me
my Lord is in control;
and as my mind is stayed on Him
perfect peace He gives my soul.
He is the Lord of lords and when He speaks,
winds and waves obey.
When Jesus whispers "Peace be still,"
then darkness turns to day;
and as I'm trusting in my Savior's Word,
doubts and fears all cease.
And beneath the shelter of His wings
I'm at rest in perfect peace.
(by Zichterman & Lynch)
I pray today, in whatever situation you face, that you find shelter beneath His love and are able to rest in His perfect peace.
You [God] will keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on You,
because he trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3


A day in the life of said...

Thank you for the post!

Nancy said...

That is one of my favorite songs! Thanks for reminding us about such perfect peace!