Thank you for all the birthday wishes! My mom and I had a really great time in NYC yesterday. It was a little chilly outside, but the experience of being a part of a live studio audience was pretty great. Once we got inside the ABC studio, we were surprised to see how small the set actually is. I guess it's true... everything you see on TV isn't what it seems. But, it was so interesting to see how everything works behind the scenes.... and during commercial breaks. Very systematic, but very casual at the same time. Overall... very cool! We even stayed for a taping that will air during the Christmas holidays. It was so funny, because after the show was over, they asked us to stick around for a Christmas segment they needed to tape. All of a sudden Christmas trees are being rolled in, garland and lights added to the walls. Pretty funny! We didn't "meet"
Regis or Kelly, but they walked over to where were sitting (2
nd row) and chatted with the audience. And, we did actually make it on TV! Though we were pretty hard to see. We were in the darkened background of the audience shot they did during the musical
performance (twice!). We also watched them do several commercials and show promos. R
egis kept messing up and they'd have to re-do it. It was so funny! After
everything ended, we got to walk onto the stage and so my mom and I had our picture taken with the Christmas setting behind us. Oh, and we topped off the trip with lunch at Trump Tower. And my hubby had Cheesecake Factory waiting for me back at home for dinner. Awesome birthday!
Ethan's rash is still an issue, so we appreciate your continued prayers for him. And his red cells are taking their sweet time to start growing in number so that is still a prayer request as well.
Okay, it's time for a bottle for a little someone and some leftover cheesecake for someone else!
I cant believe that I didnt notice yall!! I am so mad because I sat there for what seemed wayyyy over an hour scanning the audience and I didnt see you!!! Ugh!! I deleted the DVR and when you told me what part you were in, I went back to watch it again, only to find that the show had been deleted. Double ugh! You and your mom look fantastic!!!! glad you had a great time!!! What did they do during commercial breakS??
I'm so glad you were able to do a fun girls' getaway with your Mom! How special for both of you!
What a blast - I'm so happy for you! Someday I'll get to New York :) Ethan's in my prayers.
YAY! I am so excited to live this out through you! WOW!
I am glad you had a fantastic birthday!
Hey--I totally saw you!!! I recorded the show and found you during the song!! You looked fantastic! :) So now--I feel famous and I'd like an autograph! Praying for little Ethan's rash and red cells!! Love, Molly
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