Tuesday, October 21, 2008

thanks for praying!

Ethan's rash ended up not being shingles (thank You, Lord!), however, that will be a possibility for him for many months to come (as it is with most bone marrow transplant patients). It appears he has some yeast in his mouth and showing up in his diaper area in the form of a rash. It's easily treatable with at-home meds, so I'm very thankful! We are still seeing a slight decline in his red cells, which isn't a cause of concern right now, but the goal is to have those numbers increase, not decrease... which would enable him to not need transfusions, etc. He didn't need any transfusions this time, but could in future weeks if the numbers continue to decline. Other than that, he's doing great. Oh, and as it turns out, I'm quite sure I have a cold and possibly a slight sinus infection. I think I'm getting over all of it with the help of medication (and your prayers!), however... as I'm sure by now you know what I'm going to say... I can't help but be worried that Ethan will start to show signs of my cold, etc. So far, he hasn't... and I'm praying that he doesn't. Of course, I know better than to worry. But I won't lie and pretend that I'm not, because the possibility of him getting sick freaks me out! I'm being extra careful (and have been) when I'm around him, but I'm sure he's already been exposed to whatever I have, so thank you for your continued prayers for his protection. His immune system is still so very weak.

Continue to pray for my strength, if you think about it. I'm so very tired and my body is run down with being sick and everything else that's going on. I'm also really struggling with second-guessing every decision we make when it comes to Ethan's overall "care". I know it's an attack due to my "spiritual defenses" being down. I'm worrying, instead of trusting the Lord. And truthfully, I don't have the wherewithal right now to work on fixing this problem... this "glitch" in my system.

Well, my little man is wanting to play, so I'll have to end here for now....

Thank you for thinking of us!

p.s. - Thank you so much for all of your prayers for Micaiah Grace Lee (newest daughter of Mike and Amy Lee). Amy recently gave birth to a beautiful little girl, who does not have Downs Syndrome and she is in great health overall. Praise the Lord!


Hope said...

You are both in my daily prayers. I will pray for your strength. I hope you feel better. ((Hugs))

Curt Dunn said...

Hey! I was just humming the hymn "Just When I Need Him Most"... do you know that one? :)

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah!! Praise the Lord for protecting Amy and Mike's little girl!!! What a sweet little miracle she is :)

Anonymous said...

You are amazing. Praying God will let you feel at ease! How blessed Ethan is to have you. How blessed we are to know your struggles.
How blessed your husband is.