It's raining now this morning... and I love it. I don't like rain causing a bad hair day, but I do love the rain. I find something comforting about it. Oddly enough, I love the picture of a storm being powerful and fierce and feeling a sense of the "unknown" about how long it will last, how strong it will be... but regardless, I want to be in the middle of it. Well, not literally standing in the middle of it, but instead looking out a big window at the wonder of it all.
I was thinking about that this morning. How much I really enjoy a good storm. I don't like them to cause any harm to anyone or anything, but I have grown up really appreciating the intensity they bring, and no matter how intense they are always followed by stillness and calm... even sunshine. I'm sure the irony is as obvious to you as it became to me this morning. I am in the middle of a storm. Adam and I both are. But we're not just looking out a big window, we are physically, emotionally, and spiritually in the middle of it. It's powerful, fierce, and we do not know how long it will last. But of all the actual storms I've witnessed in my life, even the ones that caused my sister and I to crawl in a bathtub with pillows over our head in case the tornado came our way.... every single one of them came to an end. Some of them ended just as quickly as they started. Some lasted a little longer. But all of them passed. The lightening went away. The winds were still. The thunder was silenced. And the clouds gave way to the sun....
As I mentioned yesterday, Ethan and I were able to have a "Mommy and Me" portrait session and some individual shots of Ethan, on Tuesday of this week. It was an unexpectedly wonderful gift and when I went to pick up the pictures yesterday evening, I was in tears as I saw each of the photos. I hugged the staff at MotoPhoto and cried my gratitude to them. I immediately went to buy frames and my husband and I found the perfect wall in our home for them! In all my excitement, of course I had to hang them immediately! I took a picture of the pictures with my digital camera to try and post them here for you to see. The last 2 pictures are ones I took in the studio. The first is the Disney "wall of fame" (well, half of the wall) that each child's picture gets placed who are entered into the contest I mentioned yesterday. And then there's a close up of just Ethan's picture on that wall. Talk about a proud moment!
I love the photo of you holding Ethan up and he has his tongue out! SO CUTE!!!! I love and miss you guys! I am still praying.
The pictures are great! The third one--the two of you in black and white--brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad you were able to take him for pictures!
Continuing to pray...
what a cute boy you have!
michelle from michigan
Love the pictures!!! Ethan is adorable!
Kathy Seamen
Those pictures are wonderful and definitely worth being proud of. Ethan is so adorable.
Praying everyday!
Jennifer in OKC
I love reading your blog. It was raining heavily here at school while I was reading your blog and when I finished reading it, the rain had stopped and the sun was breaking thru the clouds. It was like you were describing what was happening here. You were right. After the storm cames the sun and the calm. Love to you all.
Nancy G
I happened upon your blog. I just wanted to say I am praying for your baby and your family. I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and a 10 week old son myself. Anyway, I love the pictures and I am so happy you got to have them. God really does give us angels here on earth, doesn't he?
Wow, is little Ethan a clone of his daddy or what? I'm amazed how much he looks like Adam! I especially love the picture of you & Ethan! Love you 3!
Precious, Precious, Precious!
You both look great in your pictures. It is such a blessing to be able to have peace and joy in a storm! A really great thing is that Ethan doesn't even know that he's not supposed to be having such a great time!! Child-like trust, peace and that secure feeling are evident all over his face--oh that we would always have the same confidence! Love you three, the Hunts
Those pictures are priceless. He is a ham. I love the one of you and him smiling.
I love storms also, in Seattle we get a lot of rain but not many stroms as you see in Texas. Rainy days are my most favorite days I have to admit.
Always praying for you!
wonderful, We LOVE THE PICTURES!!! ETHAN is SO ADORABLE. Always Praying For You!
He is gorgeous and please know I will be praying for your family
cute pictures!!! My favorite is the black and white one of you and Ethan and you are kind of lifting him up!
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